
College Fair Checklists

Elizabeth Hoyt

February 23, 2018

College Fair Checklists
Learn everything you need to know about college fairs!
Check out the below information to find out everything you need to know about the college fair, including: what it is, what to expect and how to prepare for it. Also, feel free to utilize the suggestions below to create your own college fair checklists, ensuring you get all of the information you need before, during and after the college fair.

What is a College Fair?

A college fair is a great spot to learn about many different schools, all in one place. There, you’ll be able to gather information you’re looking for on potential colleges from college representatives who are scouting for students that would fit well at their schools.

What Should I Say?

Don't be shy! They are there to talk to you and answer all of your questions! Feel free to ask about anything from academic requirements for admission to what life on campus is like on their college campuses.

Where are College Fairs Held?

College fairs are usually held at schools, conference centers or local community centers. Your teachers and guidance counselors will be able to give you more information on any college fairs that are being held in your area.

What Happens at the Fair?

Representatives from colleges across the country or, perhaps, even the world usually have booths or tables set up. You will be able to walk around the different booths, exploring the different schools’ brochures, reading the posters they've set up and ask the representatives questions about the college they’re representing. It’s useful to have a checklist of information you’d like to learn when you go to a college fair. Below are lists you can utilize before, during and after the fair.

Preparing for the Fair

Research on the web Check out the fair’s website to see which colleges will be at the fair. List what you like Write down the names of the schools you’d like to spend time learning more about. List your questions Create a list of questions you have for the representatives. Pack ahead Bring your list of questions, a pen, notebook and a bag to hold any brochures you may pick up.

At the Fair

Map it out Locate the colleges you decided you wanted to learn about and plan a route so you can easily get to all of them. Make the rounds Visit the booths and ask college representatives your list of questions conversationally. If students from the school are there, ask them what they like about the school. Take notes As you ask questions, take time to write down notes as you get answers. This way, you’ll be sure to remember when you get home. Make unexpected drop-ins Even though you had specific colleges in mind, check on some that weren't on your list. It never hurts to try something new! General booths are important, too! Check out any general information booths such as financial aid, study abroad and Greek life. These will all have great information that are important to your college experience!

After the Fair

Reflect Reflect on which of the school stood out. Why? Organize Organize your notes along with any marketing collateral you picked up at the fair. Keep them in a safe place to reference during your college search process. Recycle If you've ruled out any schools, there’s no need to save their information. Recycle it so you can stay focused on the schools you did like. Learn more Keep researching the colleges you really liked. Look on their websites, plan a visit if you’re able and check admission requirements to see if attending the school is a reality. Discuss your experience Talk to your parents and/or guardian, school guidance counselors and teachers about your experiences at the fair. The college decision is a big one and you’ll need all the support you can get!

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