Student News

Common Part-Time Job Interview Questions and Answers

Kathryn Knight Randolph

November 02, 2018

Common Part-Time Job Interview Questions and Answers
Prep for your interview with these Q & As.
You may be thinking that a part-time job only requires part-time preparation – but that isn’t the case. Just like a full-time job, there is plenty of competition for part-time jobs; and while there are steps you can take to stand out from other applicants, the best way to nail the interview is to prepare with common interview questions and answers. 1. Why are you seeking part-time employment over full-time? I am currently a student at Fastweb High School and can’t dedicate myself to a full-time workload. However, I am seeking work in order to gain professional experience, and I know that a part-time job opportunity is the best way for me to start my time in the working world.
2. What does your schedule look like? Given that I’m a student, I won’t be able to work weekdays. I also have a commitment to the track team in the spring until 5 p.m. every day. However, I am available to work weeknights and weekends. I would love to talk to you more about a flexible part-time work schedule. Do you require part-time employees to work every day? Will we be able to work around my track schedule when the time comes? What are your thoughts on my availability? 3. Why are you interested in working for our company?
I have been watching your company grow over the last few years and appreciate the steps you’ve taken to contribute to our local community. I know that I could learn a lot by working here and that it would be an impressive way to start my work experience – not to mention it would look great on my resume.
Did you know that now you can find part-time jobs on Fastweb?
4. Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years, I hope to be a college graduate with a job in a field related to my major. Right now, I’m interested in marketing or communications, and I feel like a job here would put me on a trajectory for that eventual career. While I do have plans to attend college away, there is potential for me to move back here, and I feel like this is the kind of company that I would not only like to dedicate myself to during the summer months but also after graduation as well. 5. What other commitments do you have in addition to this job? I mentioned earlier that I am a student attending high school full-time. I also have commitments to the student council, which require me to occasionally serve at school functions and philanthropic events. Additionally, I am on the track team and will have practice and meets in the spring until 5 pm most weekday evenings. However, I am committed to making this job work. I know that in the grand scheme of things, work experience is so important and that doing well in my first job can set me up for greater success in finding other jobs throughout my life. 6. What can you bring to this company? Firstly, I am a hard worker. Given the fact that I have had to balance academics and extracurriculars in the past, I have become adept at managing my workload and time effectively. This has also contributed a great deal to me being able to multi-task well. I have a strong willingness to learn and take instruction. At school, I have a sought a schedule that not only challenges me but interests me as well and that curiosity has extended to my desire and interest in working outside of school.

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