Career Planning

Diversify Your Resume and Make Yourself a Better Candidate

The Fastweb Team

April 18, 2022

Diversify Your Resume and Make Yourself a Better Candidate
You want your resume to say something about what type of person you are, your work ethic and what you’re capable of accomplishing.
Your resume is your first impression to a potential employer; and believe it or not, their interest in you is not limited to your work experience. After all, they’re not just hiring another set of hands. They’re hiring a person to work on their team – which means they want to get to know you. Your resume can say more about you than where you’ve worked and for how long. You can show that you’re motivated, progressive and compassionate with a little more information that can be included on your resume. Get some ideas now on how to diversify your resume. Become an Entrepreneur
No matter how small, starting your own business shows determination, drive and motivation – all skills that employers value. When describing your grassroots business experience, you can emphasize organizational skills, profit-building and experience you gained in managing others. It doesn’t matter if your business was a raging success or a total failure. The point is that you put in the work. Let potential employers see that you’re a go-getter by featuring entrepreneurial pursuits on your resume. Become a Temp or Part-timer in a Related Field
If you can’t secure full-time employment, why not try a related field? Often times, getting your foot in the door is all it takes to secure a job – there’s nothing wrong with starting small and building a career from there. Plus, filling in as a temp or in a part-time job shows that you’re hard-working and motivated. Essentially, you’re not waiting for the perfect job to drop into your lap; you’re ready and willing to work now. It will also help to eliminate those gaps in your resume, which leads to a hiring manager asking why you weren’t working between Job X and Job Y.
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Become Tech-Savvy The world has gone viral – and you should, too! Take courses on computer programs that are valued within your field. The newer and more cutting-edge, the better! Potential employers value those with the skills to take them into the future. Many of these online courses are actually free, and you receive an official certification at the end. These certifications can be included on your resume as training that you’ve received in a specific field. If you are between jobs or gearing up for the job search, free online courses are a great way to spend your time and buff up your technology skills. Become Bi- or Multi-Lingual Yes, it’s harder than it sounds. However, the payoff is quite significant! With globalization making the world feel smaller each passing day, language skills are one asset that’s sure to pay off for years to come. If you have experience with a foreign language at school, consider revisiting that language. It can make the learning process easier since you will likely remember the basics once you’ve started. Don’t forget to include this piece of information on your resume too! Become a Volunteer Volunteering shows you’re passionate and non-profits are usually excited to have you on board. They’ll utilize whatever skills you’re offering. That means you’ll gain business experience in the non-profit sector and have the rewarding experience of helping out a good cause of your choosing. Volunteering can also be a springboard into a full-time, paying job. If you volunteer with a company long enough, they may consider you first for an opening. Furthermore, the skills and experience that you have when volunteering translate well to the working world. As you’re volunteering, you’re actually shaping who you are as a professional. Things learned in this scenario can definitely be captured on your resume to show who you are and how you’ll work. Become Social Media Savvy The classic resume has gone through a revamp recently, looking more like a social media profile than the format that has stood the test of time for ages. Don’t believe us? Do a quick Internet search for examples of resumes. With that, many candidates are choosing to include their social media platforms within their contact information. Let’s take a break here to talk about social media etiquette during the job search. If your profile is public, consider the type of image you’re projecting. Does it mesh with the character and person you’re trying to emphasize on your resume? Watch your language, images, and even punctuation. Yes, you can still have fun – but you can also make your social appearance professional. Additionally, you can leverage your social media to help get you a job. In addition to posting about what you did over the weekend, you can include your insights into industry trends through LinkedIn posts or quick blurbs on your Instagram feed. You can also use your experience on these platforms to highlight your social media proficiency, which can be especially marketable in today’s job market.

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