
The Top Essay Scholarships for Students

This scholarship list showcases 16 unique writing opportunities worth more than $55,000!

Shawna Newman

October 19, 2022

The Top Essay Scholarships for Students
Scholarships with essays often have interesting topics which allow you to express your opinion through the written word.
For writers, an essay assignment is a thrilling opportunity to express yourself. No matter what your level of experience, writing has many positive elements! Some novice writers enjoy a mental health or mindfulness boost by journaling. Other writers excel at technical writing and sharing important research through term papers. Writing is an essential skill you’ll use throughout school—from high school to attending college onto your career. In the professional world, a candidate that can write well is highly sought-after—no matter the industry.
All of the below scholarships require an essay entry – some as short as only 250 words – with interesting essay topics. For writers, a few hundred (or even a thousand) words is no biggie. If you’re looking for tips to win scholarship essays, we have you covered. If you're not a fan of essay writing, we have a list of scholarships that require no essays, too!
Pencil to paper, typewriter, journal or computer, whatever your preferred method, if you enjoy expressing your opinions through writing, check out these essay scholarships below:

  1. Elie Wiesel Prize In Ethics Essay Contest
  2. Deadline: 1/31/23
    Award Amount: $10,000
    The Elie Wiesel Prize In Ethics Essay Contest is open to full - time college juniors and seniors. To be considered, you must articulate with clarity an ethical issue that you have encountered, and analyze what it has taught you about ethics and yourself. You may write about any topic you wish, as long as it explores the theme of ethics.

  3. Optimist International Essay Contest
  4. Deadline: 2/28/23
    Award Amount: $2,500 The Optimist International Essay Contest is open to students who are under the age of 19. To be considered for this award, you must submit a 700 - to 800 - word essay on the following topic: "Who is an Everyday Hero that Brings Out the Optimism in You?"

  5. President Gerald R. Ford Student Writing Challenge
  6. Deadline: 3/3/23
    Award Amount: $2,500
    The President Gerald R. Ford Student Writing Challenge is open to high school students. To be considered, you must submit a 500 - to 750 - word essay sharing what the theme of unity in diversity means to you.

  7. Galvanize the Future: Richard L. Brooks Memorial Scholarship
  8. Deadline: 3/31/23
    Award Amount: $2,500
    The Galvanize the Future: Richard L. Brooks Memorial Scholarship is available to undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled at an accredited four - year college or university. You must be majoring in architecture, civil engineering, structural engineering, construction management, material science, or a related field to be eligible for this award. To be considered, you must submit a 1000 - to 2000 - word essay that addresses one of the two essay questions provided.

  9. Create Real Impact Contest
  10. Deadline: 4/27/23
    Award Amount: $1,500 The Create Real Impact Contest is open to full-time students between the ages of 14 and 22. To enter, you must create original work (video, music, creative writing, or artwork) showcasing your idea for a solution or strategy to fix the problem of distracted and reckless driving.

  11. IEI Annual Scholarship Essay Contest
  12. Deadline: 5/1/23
    Award Amount: $500 The IEI Annual Scholarship Essay Contest is open to high school seniors and college undergraduate students. To be considered, you must submit an 800 - to 1,000 - word essay on one of the following topics: "7 Most Proven Ways to Increase the Value of your Home" or "Pros and Cons of Replacing a Roof Yourself."

  13. Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest
  14. Deadline: 11/6/23
    Award Amount: $10,000
    The Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest is open to high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students. You must write an essay of between 800 and 1,600 words on one of the three topics listed on the sponsor's website in order to be considered for this award.

  15. Pulse of Perseverance Scholarship
  16. Deadline: Rolling
    Award Amount: $1,000
    The Pulse of Perseverance Scholarship is available to high school and college students. To be considered, you must read the book, "Pulse of Perseverance: Three Black Doctors on Their Journey to Success" and submit a 250 - word essay focusing on how you are currently making a difference in your community and why you believe you have the #pulseofperseverance. You must also submit a 60 - second video on why you possess the #pulseofperseverance and what the scholarship will mean to you.

  17. The Washington Advocates Scholarship
  18. Deadline: Varies
    Award Amount: $1,000 The Washington Advocates Scholarship is available to students enrolled at an accredited college or university in the state of Washington. You must submit a 300-500 word essay on the following topic: "What are some ways YOU can contribute to making our roads and highways safer? What are some of the ways the laws can be changed to accomplish that goal?"

  19. American Legion National High School Oratorical Contest
  20. Deadline: Varies
    Award Amount: From $14,000 - $18,000 The National High School Oratorical Contest is open to junior high and high school students who are under the age of 20 and citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States. You must prepare an oration on some aspect of the U.S. Constitution, with some emphasis on the duties and obligations of citizens to our government. A complete list of topics are available on the Legion's Web site. Each individual state winner certified into and participating in the first round of the national contest receives an additional $1,500 scholarship.

  21. Alert Scholarship
  22. Deadline: Varies
    Award Amount: $500
    The Alert Scholarship is available to high school seniors in Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming. To be considered, you must submit a 650 - to 800 - word essay about a personal encounter you, or someone you know, has had with drug and / or alcohol abuse, how it was dealt with, and, in your opinion, what was right or wrong about the way the incident or problem was handled. You must have a minimum 2.5 GPA to be eligible for this award.

  23. George S. and Stella M. Knight Essay Contest
  24. Deadline: Varies
    Award Amount: $500 - $2,000
    The George S. and Stella M. Knight Essay Contest is open to high school students. You must submit an 800 - to 1200 - word essay discussing an event, person, philosophy, or ideal associated with the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, or the framing of the United States Constitution. Essays will be judged on historical accuracy, clarity of thought, organization and proven topic, grammar and spelling, and documentation.

  25. Samsung American Legion Scholarship Program
  26. Deadline: Varies
    Award Amount: Varies The Samsung American Legion Scholarship Program is open to high school juniors who are direct descendants of U.S. wartime veterans who served during one or more of the periods of war officially designated as eligibility dates for membership in the American Legion by the United States government. In order to apply, you must have completed an American Legion Boys State or American Legion Auxiliary Girls State Program and plan to attend an accredited U.S. college or university. Selection is based on the following criteria: academic record; involvement in school activities; involvement in community activities and financial need.

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