Organization: Gardarika Tres
Country: Ukraine
Year Founded: 2014
Number of Employees: 11-20
Innovation Class: Application & Market
Ukraine-based Gardarika Tres LLC is a manufacturer and distributor of agricultural equipment that focuses on precision farming systems and was founded in 2014. The company started an autonomous tractor navigation brand called in 2023.

These explosive devices must be cleared from the fields. However, there is a lack of trained personnel and appropriate equipment to do the job. Accelerating the demining process will provide an opportunity to quickly restore the country's economy, industry, and agrarian entrepreneurship, and save people's lives.
The brand developed an unmanned system to remove mines from fields. The system includes a drone, an autonomous tractor, and a demining attachment that can withstand explosions. The demining tractor is driven remotely from a safe distance to ensure there are no humans in harm’s way.
The system scans the field with a drone equipped with appropriate sensors to target demining areas. These areas are subsequently defused by running the autonomous tractors together with certified sappers. The innovation here is the use of a mature autonomous navigation system for tractors with a hardened mine sweeper to explosively remove any mines within a field and return it to productive growing for farmers.
The tractor is equipped with additional armor plates, designed for use in vehicle structures for mine protection and improvised explosive devices. This ensures that it can work its way through the field without the need to stop and repair after a mine is set off.
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