Country: Poland
Year Founded: 1986
Number of Employees: 500+
For engineers, the Viveka 3D stereovision solution attests to the truth of the old adage “necessity is the mother of invention” - and opportunity.
Description:’s Viveka 3D stereovision solution is a ROS based, modular, cloud-connected platform for image capture, processing and analysis. Initially developed for through-hole assembly of electronic components on PCB boards, the Viveka 3D system delivers high levels of measurement accuracy (<0.03 mm), and can acquire images, process them, and then transfer the date to robotics systems in less the 300 milliseconds.
Central to the Viveka 3D system is the THT Check Component module for detecting the position of electrical component leads, the first vision module designed engineers. The company has indicated that additional vison-based measurement modules for electronics manufacturing operations such as PCB hole detection, component edge detection, and shape detection, are under development.