Student News

Interview Follow-Up Tips

Kathryn Knight Randolph

July 10, 2019

Interview Follow-Up Tips
Three ways to touch base with the interviewer.
Sometimes, what you do after your job interview can be the gesture that actually wins you the job. That’s right – you’re still being evaluated after you send in your resume, participate in a phone interview and show up for an in-person interview. Whatever you do next matters, whether that means taking action or not. An interview follow-up does not require much. Here are a few ways you can reach out in order to make a good impression.

1. Write a thank you note.

A job interview is an opportunity in and of itself, and it deserves a big thanks to whoever took the time to interview you. There is a lot of behind-the-scenes work that goes into selecting interviewees from the applicant pool, prepping for the interview and making a decision afterwards. With that in mind, it's important to thank your interviewer for their time and the chance just to interview. Thank the interviewer within 24 hours of the interview. The interview will still be fresh in their minds, and it could contribute to their final decision if they hear from you sooner rather than later. Whether it’s handwritten or sent via email, your thank you note should be short, friendly and contain any pertinent information that you may have forgotten to include in your interview. It’s also a great opportunity to restate your interest in the job offered. It can even look a little like this: Dear [Interviewer Name],
Thank you again for taking the time to meet with me earlier today. After our discussion of the position and the company, I feel even more excited at the opportunity to join your team. I believe my past experience in customer service and leadership and ambition in the classroom make me an ideal candidate for this role. My eagerness to learn and interest in this field would greatly benefit your company. Please feel free to contact me with any further questions as well as the status of the hiring process. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Sincerely, [Your Name]
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2. Check in after a few weeks.

If you haven’t heard from anyone from the company in a few weeks, it is not a faux paus to inquire about final decisions. For starters, ask during the interview process what their hiring timeline looks like. If they provide a timeline, don’t reach out too soon or too late. Email at the appropriate time to ask about where they stand in the hiring process. The message can be short and sweet – simply ask for an update – and ask if there is anything they need from you at this point.

3. Stay in touch for future opportunities.

If you get the job, that’s wonderful! If not, that’s ok too. Your job search and interview experience at this particular company can still be useful. In your follow-up conversations, let the hiring manager know that you’re interested in any other job openings at the company. You can also follow them on social media platforms and interact with them there. Continuing to show an interest in the company may lead you to a job opportunity in the future. Keep your cool and stay professional during all of your follow-up interview interactions. Don’t be pushy. Rather, show that you’re a motivated, respectful and proactive individual who would be an asset to the company, in whatever – and whenever – opportunity arises.

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