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Quiz: What Type of Part-Time Job is Right for You?

Kathryn Knight Randolph

January 13, 2020

Quiz: What Type of Part-Time Job is Right for You?
Take our quiz to find out!
For many, a job isn't just a paycheck -- however, it's likely the biggest reason why we work. In addition to the paycheck and career advancements, a job contributes to our feelings of pride, self-worth and fulfillment. That's why it's so important to find a job that fits your personality, skills and life goals. And while that's especially true for you to find after you graduate from college, it can be just as true as that part time job that's helping you pay for school. However, many students just starting in the realm of the working world don't know which type of job is right for them -- or even what they prefer to do. With that, it can be a little difficult to start the job search -- simply because they don't know where to start. Looking for some direction when it comes to finding the perfect part-time job? We’ve got that right here. If you’re not sure where to start looking, take our quiz and check out our suggestions, which are based both on personality and your future career goals.
Select the answer that you most identify with and tally up your score. Results are listed below. 1. Would you enjoy interacting with people? (Yes – 5) (No – 1)
2. Would you like to get better at interacting with others?
(Yes – 3) (No – 1)
3. Do you prefer to work alone or on a team? (Work alone – 1) (On a team – 3)
4. Do you prefer to work indoors or outdoors?
(Indoors – 3) (Outdoors – 5)
5. Would you like a flexible schedule or specified hours each day? (Flexible schedule – 4) (Specified hours – 2)
6. Would you enjoy having a supervisor that helps you? (Yes – 4) (No – 2)
7. Are you active? (Yes – 5) (No – 1)
8. Do you want a job that demands activity? (Yes – 5) (No – 1)
9. Does working with food interest you? (Yes – 2) (No – 1)
10. Do you have a soft spot for animals? (Yes – 3) (No – 1)
11. Would you like to interact with children in your work environment? (Yes – 3) (No – 1)
12. Does your ideal part-time job center around helping others? (Yes – 4) (No – 1)
13. Would you describe yourself as conventional? (Yes – 2) (No – 5)
14. Would you ideally like to work in an office after graduation? (Yes – 2) (No – 0)
15. Or is a desk job out of the question? (Yes – 5) (No – 0)
Did you know that now you can find part-time jobs on Fastweb?


20 – 35 Points
Give yourself a pat on the bat – you’re an independent person, and working alone is where you thrive. The types of part-time jobs that best suit you may be work-from-home opportunities or quiet desk jobs. Though there may be a little interaction with others, you’re at your best when left alone to work. If this sounds like you, consider a part-time job as a social media manager or web editor. You could also work in retail or in the culinary field as someone that is behind the scenes, perhaps stocking inventory or preparing meals. Finally, if you don’t mind a little client interaction, consider a part-time job at an art gallery or museum.
36 – 45 Points
You’re a people person, and that will translate well to working both for and with others! While you have a strong desire to help others, you also just love the interesting things that can happen when you meet and serve others. What's more, you do your best when you have a team of people supporting you, making a team dynamic at work especially beneficial to your professional growth. And if you wouldn’t consider yourself a people person just yet; it may be the type of environment that you need in order to grow more. The right types of part-time jobs for you include opportunities in the retail or food industry, tutoring, dog-walking or child care.
46 – 60 Points
Is adventure your middle name? If it’s not, it should be. You love the flexibility and inspiration of being outdoors or walking through a big city and not “tied to a desk and chair,” as you may put it. At the same time, you love working with others – and how sweet would it be to get paid to explore, have fun and interact with a team of co-workers, kids or fellow adventurers? If this sounds like you, consider a job as a tour guide, sports instructor or camp counselor.

Embracing a Part Time Job That Is Not Right for You

Sometimes, try as you might to find a job that fits your interests and personality, you may find yourself in a role that becomes a real struggle. It may be that you and your supervisor don’t mesh. Or that you thought you would enjoy working with clients but it’s not true for the particular environment in which you’ve found yourself. Whatever the case, there are times when you need to embrace the part time role you’re in – even if it’s not pleasant or life-giving. If the job is a seasonal opportunity or a part time job that will help launch your post-collegiate career, you need to stick it out. While you do, there are aspects of the role that you can control in order to make it easier. Firstly, you can keep your head down and be the best part time employee possible. This means keeping your work space clean, showing up to work on time and dressing with pride. Another way to make your job more enjoyable is to invest in the people around you, like your boss and your co-workers. Even if your boss is the worst, it’s important to maintain a good relationship on your part. After all, this person may provide you with some valuable references later. As for your co-workers, try and talk to them about something they love outside of work, rather than how much you (or you both) may dislike the job. You can also have fun with your co-workers or bring donuts one day to work. Be the type of person that – regardless of the environment – other people like to be around. Finally, remember what’s most important: this is about you and your future. See this as an opportunity to find out what you want to do and where you want to work after college. Set goals for yourself. Control the aspects of the job that you can control. Find something outside of work that you enjoy, and pursue that in order to offset the negatives while you’re at work. And if this role is not temporary or seasonal, look for another opportunity – quietly. The chances of you finding the perfect role in your first part time job are slim. However, you can try, and you can choose to view every opportunity as a chance to learn and grow. Through these experiences you’ll be able to better define which type of “real world” job is actually right for you – and that’s the goal.

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