
$4K Unboxing Your Life Video Scholarship

Learn more about Sttark’s latest video scholarship.

Kathryn Knight Randolph

September 08, 2022

$4K Unboxing Your Life Video Scholarship
Can’t get enough of unboxing videos? Apply for this video scholarship.
If you’ve been anywhere near social media in the last few years, you have seen a social media influencer “unbox” their latest purchase. Whether it’s clothes, makeup or new sporting gear, the process of watching someone unbox a purchase is mesmerizing. (Don’t believe us? Just watch a few unboxing videos.)

$4K Unboxing Your Life Video Scholarship

Now it’s your chance to live out your unboxing dreams, and it could win you money to pay for school. The $4K Unboxing Your Life Video Scholarship, presented by Sttark, is available to high school, college, and graduate students.

Unboxing Your Life Video Scholarship Details

Unboxing Your Life Video Scholarship Deadline: 11/30/22 Available to: High school seniors and college and graduate students Award Amount: $4,000
The "Unboxing Your Life" Video Scholarship is available to high school senior, undergraduate, and graduate students who are U.S. citizens. To be considered for this award, you must create a five-minute unboxing video of your life that showcases your originality and unique personality. Selection is based on originality, creativity, quality, and competency. Apply for the scholarship now.

How to Create Your Video Scholarship

The Unboxing Your Life Video Scholarship allows you to be creative with this particular application. Not only do you get to create a box that speaks to your self-expression, you also get to talk about what makes you…you. As Sttark puts it, “Packaging can promote personality, but contents reveal character and tells a story.”
For this application, you must create a five-minute video of you “unboxing” your life. You’ll be, i.e. showing your personality, passions, and creativity. Videos cannot be shorter than four minutes or greater than six. You must also provide: • A short bio of no more than 250 words that highlights your field of study, education level, and future goals. • Proof of education • Evidence of U.S. citizenship (a valid address) Videos can be shot in one take on a mobile device, or you can utilize video editing apps like iMovie. The choice is yours. Sttark has also provided a few video essay prompts to help students think more about what they should feature: • Our “packaging” encases us, but our experiences shape us. The more we see of a person, the more we understand their value. Have your experiences ever changed the way you present yourself? In what way and why has it changed? • Steve Jobs said, “Packaging can be theatre; it can create a story.” What does our personal packaging communicate, and is this message important? Can this presentation ever be misleading? See more of Sttark’s video essay prompts here.

Creating Your Video Scholarship Application

There are many scholarship applications that require a video submission. Typically, video scholarships allow students to showcase their creativity and present a side to them that wouldn’t be seen on a form. At the same time, when a video component is part of a scholarship application, there is more that could go wrong. For that reason, you should adhere to the following basic principles:

Stick to the time requirements.

It’s tempting for many students to go over the time set by the scholarship committee. In doing so, however, their application could immediately be thrown out. We know there is a lot you may want to say about yourself – or the topic you’re speaking on – but adhere to the directions. At the same time, look for a minimum time that may also be required.

Follow the directions carefully.

On a similar note, make sure you are following all other directions as well. Scholarship providers may request files be zipped, relegated to a certain size, or uploaded to a specific format. And it goes without saying that this includes submitting your application by the designated deadline.

Make sure you are heard, loud and clear.

A video isn’t just visual. Audio is just as important to video scholarships. Make sure the microphone on your recording device is working, Play the video back to yourself to ensure that there’s no feedback or distracting background noises.

Find a background that is aesthetically pleasing.

Even though you’re the focal point of your video scholarship, the scholarship committee will also take into account your background, whether they’re aware of it or not. If there is a lot going on in the background of your video, it may distract them from the points you’re trying to make. For instance, filming your video submission in a crowded coffee shop may come with loud noises and a lot of movement. Think wisely about where you’re filming and how that background will enhance your application, rather than take away from it.

Practice makes perfect.

Just like you write drafts of an essay, the same process should be applied to a video scholarship. You likely won’t get everything right on your first take. If it helps you, draft a script, practice without the camera, and then create a few takes. Creating a video scholarship can be fun and exciting, but it may also take some patience and perseverance.

Don’t Shy Away from Video Scholarships

Many students may dismiss a video scholarship application right away for a few reasons. Perhaps they feel uncomfortable in front of the camera, or maybe they feel it will be too time-consuming. Those are the very reasons students should apply. After all, how many other students thought the same thing and didn’t apply? Video scholarships typically have a smaller applicant pool than easy-to-apply-to scholarships that only require students to complete a form. This means that you have a better chance of winning. Another video scholarship you may want to consider applying for is the $2,500 Goodwall #ScholarshipNow Challenge. A recent Goodwall scholarship winner shares her advice for video scholarship applications: “...personalize your applications by using the unique aspects of yourself to your advantage.” So, prepare a script, grab a camera, and hit the record button. You could be five minutes away from winning a generous scholarship to help pay for school.

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