Student News

Top Topics for Students in 2021

These five articles shaped the last 365 days for U.S. students.

Shawna Newman

December 13, 2021

Top Topics for Students in 2021
Environment, scholarships, and experience capture the student sentiment in 2021.
As you wrap up any chapter, it is wise to take a step back to evaluate. This is an opportunity to focus on what worked, what didn’t work, and where or how you can improve on your next journey. For high school students, educators, college students, and even parents, the same evaluation concept applies to the past and future school year. Ask yourself: What was the focus this past year? What are some goals that will help me improve in 2022? How can I use these insights to optimize my college-graduate dream, or support those with college education goals? To assist reflection and help you move forward, we’ve found the top 5 Fastweb articles of 2021. Taking a quick dive into these articles, you can find what students, and parents, were focused on over the past 365 days.

Top Five Student Topics in 2021

The following articles were the most clicked, read, and shared by you:
  1. Eight Simple Ways to Help the Environment

  2. Students care about our environment and sustainability. Google’s 2021 Year in Search also supports this observation as “how to conserve” reached an all-time high.
  3. Scholarships You Should Apply for in 2021

  4. Students and parents want to use their time wisely and start the new year off with strong goals. Finding and applying for valuable scholarships at the beginning of the year is key. Many families and students like to create a “Must-Apply Scholarships” checklist at the start of January; checking them off once each scholarship application has been sent. Next year’s version of this popular article, College Scholarships to Apply for in 2022, has more than a dozen scholarships that are worth your attention and applications!
    Other helpful scholarship lists include: Scholarships for High School Seniors Scholarships for High School Juniors Scholarships for College Students
  5. FAFSA Checklist: What You Need to Complete the Form

  6. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid persists as a hot topic for college bound students and current college students—as it should. Completing the FAFSA as early as possible is recommended, and parents and students want to know how to get it done quickly. This FAFSA checklist is a go-to article to help prepare for the FAFSA. This year also highlighted the importance of FAFSA renewal for college students, as the U.S. Government offered several phases of Emergency Financial Aid Grants. College students that received Pell Grains were considered top candidates for this emergency money. This distribution prioritization demonstrated the importance of completing and/or renewing your FAFSA.
  7. Impressive Extracurriculars Students Should Get Involved In

  8. At the end of the day—or year—students want to be sure their efforts shine. High school and college students found this list of 10 categories helpful. Thoughtful participation helps to strengthen college applications, scholarship applications, and even internship and job applications. Interestingly, volunteer work mentioned in this article was also a Google search trend in 2021. Students continue to find value in volunteering and are always looking for a new volunteer opportunity.
  9. Cover Letter Internship Sample

  10. The value of experience within the field was top-of-mind in 2021. Students gained a lot of use from our cover letter sample for internships. Other helpful internship articles for students in 2021 included: Fastweb’s Internship Directory High School Internships STEM Internships Business and Finance Internships Healthcare Internships While the above articles took the lead, we can’t overlook the element of FUN. The theme, fun, didn’t take a backseat in 2021. Students, parents, and educators are amused by a playful quiz occasionally. Our St. Patrick’s Day Quiz was the most taken quiz of 2021. If you enjoyed this quiz, try these quizzes below: Holiday Movie Quiz Halloween Candy Quiz Dog Day Quiz Self-care and taking time for yourself should be a top priority, too!

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