Financial Aid

Tuition Assistance for Job Training Programs

Financial aid is available to students who opt for jobs over college.

Kathryn Knight Randolph

February 10, 2023

No desire to go to college? No problem. You can get financial assistance for trade school and on-the-job training programs.
In 2021, 1 million high school graduates opted to forego a college education, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Of those million, nearly 80% went on to participate in the workforce. While many jobs for high school graduates do not require a college, or even an associate’s, degree they do require some type of training. However, there are costs associated with training. In some cases, they may be required to pay:: • Tuition • Books • Supplies • Fees
Fortunately, laborers-in-training can receive financial assistance while they’re training for their new role.

Tuition Assistance for Job Training Programs

Many states and local communities offer short-term training for recent high school graduates and adults. Training for a job or a career can improve your overall salary, making it crucial to individuals that want to earn more as well as be considered for promotions.
High school graduates can continue their education one of two ways: they can either attend a trade or technical school or they can enter the workforce immediately and receive on-the-job training. Unlike college, and even community college, an education at a trade or technical school does not require as much time to complete and is considerably more affordable. On-the-job training may also be called an apprenticeship, which enables students to work immediately but also complete coursework that will make them highly skilled in a particular occupation.

Financial Aid for Trade Schools

Many students operate under a misconception that the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is just for those attending college. However, students that intend to go to trade school after high school can complete the FAFSA.
As long as they are attending an accredited trade school, they may be eligible for federal and state financial aid. Much like college, students can receive a Pell Grant or state aid when attending a trade or technical school. They can also pay for their education with federal and private student loans. Additionally, students attending trade or technical schools may apply for scholarships and tuition reimbursement from employers, just like students who opt to attend college. Students at trade schools will find that there are scholarship opportunities that are exclusive to them.

Financial Assistance for the On-the-Job Training

Financial assistance for on-the-job training, or an apprenticeship, looks a little different. Rather than applying for financial aid, students can begin earning money as soon as they enter into a formal apprenticeship. Apprentices earn a competitive wage for their industry on day one. They may also qualify for local tuition assistance. For instance, Kansas City offers adults ages 17+ the chance to receive on-the-job training with tuition assistance through its KC Scholars Program. Apprentices also receive job-related classroom training. Through this formal program, students are paid to learn the skills that will help them launch their careers. Upon graduation from an apprenticeship, they’re not only equipped with the knowledge to perform their job but also any certifications necessary to make them a valuable, sought-after job candidate.

On-the-Job Training by Sector

What does on-the-job training look like? For each field, or role, training looks different. Below are a few examples of what students can expect.

On-the-Job Training in Construction

In the next 10 years, demand for construction workers is expected to increase by 4%, according to the BLS. Communities have a constant need for construction workers as they expand and evolve. Monster reports that, “To attract and incentivize workers, many [construction] organizations are now sponsoring training programs.” Essentially, individuals hoping to enter this line of work don’t have to worry about paying for their own training. The required coursework and certifications are covered for them, and students entering this workforce can expect to do so in a matter of weeks or months.

On-the-Job Training in Culinary Services

Culinary specialists are in extremely high demand. The BLS reports that their job growth is expected to be 15% over the next ten years! Some chefs say that on-the-job training is much more beneficial than attending culinary school. There are also a variety of local organizations that provide free training to culinary arts hopefuls, given the high demand in the field. Second Helpings in Indianapolis and Humanity’s Kitchen Cooking School in Delaware are just a few examples of this. In addition to receiving the necessary coursework and training, graduates of these programs are given career- search help and guidance.

On-the-Job Training in Mechanics

A job like an auto mechanic requires on-the-job training. In fact, it’s very difficult to break into this field without any. While trade school is an option, high school graduates or adults wishing to start a new career may get an entry-level job as a mechanic. Going this route means making less than standard pay. However, you will be getting paid while learning the skills you need to move into a full-time, auto service technician role.

Financing a Job Training Program

However you plan to grow in your skill set, whether attending trade school or completing on-the-job, there is financial assistance available. Between free training and financial aid and scholarships, you can find the funding you need to start your career.