Student Life

5 Unique Study Tips for Students

Change up your study routine and see results.

Student Contributor, Danielle Steen

January 27, 2023

Change how and where you study to keep from getting bored.
As students, we all know how important it is to study. However, it can also easily become challenging to keep up with a proper study regimen, stay focused, or even get into a healthy studying mindset. Well, as a student who's been at this thing for a while, I'd like to share with you the best studying tips I've ever tried! Studying and success go hand in hand in the world of education, but actually getting to it can feel like both a stress and a hassle once motivation slips. Luckily, as a student who's been studying for quite some time now, I've picked up quite a few useful tips to get you out of your studying slump and back into those books with enthusiasm!

5 Study Tips for Students

Now, without further ado, here are my top five studying tips you should consider trying right away!

#1: Listen to Instrumentals

Though listening to your favorite songs while suffering through a studying session definitely sounds tempting, most songs can prove to be quite distracting–especially if you love the song too much to not mumble the lyrics. Instead, something with no lyrics is a perfect substitute! Piano music, classical, lo-fi beats, anything instrumental.
Music also helps you get excited about studying and can make your study session feel much more doable. It's a win-win, really, so investigate those instrumentals and start building yourself the perfect study playlist!

#2: Find a Reason to Study

Obviously, good grades and a high GPA are the main reasons for studying, but think deeper! Finding a long-term, important goal that you can relate to your coursework can give you that boost to want to study. Thinking about the skills you're gaining from a particular subject, relating your work to your future career/college, or anything similar can be great ways to motivate yourself to study what you're learning. Sometimes, reminding yourself of why you're working so hard in the first place can make you eager to absorb every ounce of information you possibly can, or at the very least make it seem much less daunting.

#3: Take Study Breaks to Cultivate Your Hobbies

While taking breaks from studying is important, so is what you do during those breaks. A great idea is to spend that time working on a hobby or passion. This doesn't mean doing something necessarily fun, like watching a bunch of YouTube videos or reading a book; this is because doing activities like those can lead to losing a studying mindset. You can easily become so interested in what you're doing that you completely lose all desire to study. So, a nice alternative is to do something that still encourages learning, but in a less aggressive way. If you like writing, start working on one of your drafts! If you're into guitar, go practice! If you're an art person, work on one of your pieces! Activities like these are both fun and technical, meaning you'll still be in a work mindset once your break is up.

#4: Spice Up Your Tools

Sticking to only one medium of notetaking can make the whole “studying” thing feel pretty monotonous. So, why not switch things up? Use your phone, tablet, laptop, notebooks, flashcards, sticky notes, and anything else you have readily available and ready for notetaking! Switching up your note methods also changes the way you take notes, which makes a huge difference when the time comes to look back at what you've written. Some mediums require you to condense what you write, which means you get to the point quicker, while others allow you more room to stretch out a concept or idea. All in all, spicing up your note-taking methods can be a great way to make studying more bearable.

#5: Hold Yourself Accountable—Cut Out Distractions

Sometimes, we are our own biggest obstacle. This is definitely true when it comes to studying. It's incredibly easy to get sidetracked, attempt to multitask, and check our phones “quickly,” which inevitably leads to procrastination. Well, combat this by being strict with yourself. Turn off your phone and TV until you're completely done with studying. Don't open any tabs that aren't related to the task at hand (unless, of course, it's for instrumentals). Isolate yourself so that no one distracts you. While it can feel like a bother to do all of these things, you'll quickly fall into the habit of dedicating your time to studying, which allows you more time to do the things you enjoy in the long run. It's never a bad idea to cut out a distraction, and you know yourself best, so identify your distractions and find ways to limit them. Studying is pretty much always a bother, but there are definitely ways to make it more interesting and enjoyable! While they may seem like a bit much, the above five studying tips have gone a long way to improve my studying sessions and help me get the most out of them! Maybe they'll help you, too!