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ADP deployed ten of its robots to aid in surveying the collapsed mine. | Source: ADP
39.7% of mining companies included in an analysis conducted by Mining Technology were recruiting for robotics related positions in May 2022. This marks a year high for hiring robotics jobs in this sector.
In April 2022, just 33.3% of mining companies surveyed had robotics openings, and a year ago, that number was at just 17.9%. The number of mining companies that are looking to fill robotics positions has been steadily rising since February 2022, when 21.1% were looking.
Mining companies are currently hiring for robotics jobs at a higher rate than the average for all companies. In total, 1.2% of newly posted job advertisements in May 2022 were linked to robotics, the highest monthly figure recorded in the past year, according to Mining Technology.
Robotics provide many opportunities in the mining industry, where many jobs are very dangerous for people to perform.
For example, a limestone mine over 100 years old near Crab Orchard Tennessee collapsed suddenly in August 2021. The collapse left an 800 ft across and 100 ft deep surface subsidence area that the US Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) determined was too dangerous for a person to explore.
The mining team used robots from Australian Droid and Robot (ADR) to inspect what was left of the mine, which allows mine workers to determine what was safe and to restore power and communications in the mine.
The robotics industry as a whole is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20% to $568 billion by 2030, according to analysis from Mining Technology.
Editor’s Note: The Field Robotics Engineering Forum will take place on October 19-20, 2022 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. The forum is an international conference and exposition specifically designed to provide engineers, engineering management, business professionals and others, with the information, guidance and peer networking opportunities they need to successfully develop and safely deploy the next generation of robotics systems for operation in wide-ranging, outdoor, dynamic environments.
WTWH Media is currently accepting session abstracts to be considered for presentation at the event. The Field Robotics Engineering Forum is seeking thought-provoking sessions delivered by compelling speakers in each of the four tracks, technologies, tools and platforms, development, testing and deployment, and markets and applications.
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