Student News

Coronavirus Changes to Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest

Is your prom on? Or did it get cancelled? Either way, you can apply for the Stuck at Prom Scholarship.

Kathryn Knight Randolph

April 02, 2021

Coronavirus Changes to Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest
The contest is still on -- with a few small changes for applicants.
A year ago at this time, schools were completely closed, stay-at-home orders has been enacted on a state-by-state basis, and events were being cancelled left and right – including high school prom. Like everyone, high school students were learning how to adjust. They still got dressed in their finest and rigged Glambots in their bedrooms to take red-carpet-worthy photos. These families organized prom committees to give their children a special night at home. Students were still able to show off their dresses and dance the night away with friends via Zoom and FaceTime. This year, it appears that Prom is back on – at least at some schools. According to an Instagram Poll at @payingforschool, 59% of respondents said that prom was taking place while 41% said plans are cancelled once again this year.
Fortunately, the biggest prom-themed scholarship is still on, and the best part is that you don’t even have to attend prom – in-person or virtually – to apply.

Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest

Perhaps one of the most popular scholarships ever, the Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest, asks students to create their prom attire entirely out of Duck Tape. Students supply a photo or video of their dress and/or tux on Prom Night in order to qualify. One $10,000 scholarship is given for best dress and another $10,000 is awarded for best tux. Eight runner-up applicants are selected to win $500 as well as a prize pack valued at $100.
But just like the real prom, the Stuck at Prom Scholarship has had to make changes to their program in order to accommodate the Coronavirus pandemic. Now, they are taking submissions from just individuals rather than couples (for future reference, individual entries are allowed and encouraged). Submissions must also come with written or video documentation of the Duck Tape attire-making process. Applicants have until June 9, 2021, to submit their entry into the Stuck at Prom Scholarship. A panel of judges will choose Finalists, whose work will be displayed online from June 30 through July 14. During this period of time, the online community can vote for whichever dress and/or tux is their favorite. The finalists with the most votes from the online community will win. Right now, you can take a look at the 2020 contest submissions; the 2021 gallery should be live soon. For a bit of inspiration, check out previous scholarship winners for best duct tape prom dress and tux.

The Search for Scholarships Continues Too

As students continue to live in a world that’s impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is one thing they can do to make the time pass by: apply for college scholarships. If you haven’t already, create a profile on Fastweb in order to find scholarships that you actually qualify for based on your GPA, location and extracurricular activities. Commit to applying to 2 – 3 scholarships per week – or designate an amount of time to spend on scholarship applications. Applying to scholarships is a numbers game; and the more you apply to, the better your chances of actually winning a scholarship. Use this time at home wisely. Create lasting memories with your family and friends – even if it has to take place virtually. Invest in your scholarship application strategy. This time in your life doesn’t have to be a waste. In fact, it could be financially beneficial for you. Get started now.

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