
It’s Back: Fastweb’s $1,000 Scholarship Success Sweepstakes

Find out why this EASY-ENTER scholarship opportunity can help you recharge your scholarship goals.

Shawna Newman

February 14, 2023

What’s your scholarship application goal?
You may have heard about the power of manifestation. The idea is that you create a perfect environment to set yourself up for success and believe your goal will happen. A positive attitude can spark a good day filled with great experiences. JUMP TO ENTER THE $1K SCHOLARSHIP SUCCESS SWEEPSTAKES Rather than starting your day off with a negative mindset, try pumping yourself up with daily affirmations filled with actionable steps that favor good outcomes. For example, test days are no fun, but start your morning off with something like: “Today will be a great day. I have studied hard for this exam, and I know my stuff. I will get a good grade on this test.”
There is a caveat though: Do not expect great outcomes if you have not put in the work. You must have a vision and put in the effort to accomplish success. Positive self-talk is like a pep rally just for you; a way to get you ready to conquer your vision. It is like an athlete’s walkout song—it gets you going, ready to win! To help you manifest your own scholarship success, we have created an easy-enter, $1,000 scholarship opportunity that will encourage you to stay motivated and apply for scholarships.

Fastweb’s $1,000 Scholarship Success Sweepstakes

Deadline: 3/15/23
Available to: Students, Minimum Age of 16
Award Amount: $1,000
Here is how to enter Fastweb's Scholarship Success Sweepstakes for your chance to win a $1,000 college scholarship:

  1. Be a Fastweb member.
  2. If you're not a Fastweb member, you're missing out on scholarship matches that fit YOU. A Fastweb profile is FREE!

  3. Answer the multiple-choice question, What’s your monthly scholarship application goal?

  4. There is NO WRONG ANSWER. Simply let us know what you will commit to.

  5. Submit your entry.
  6. Enter daily to boost your odds of winning the scholarship sweepstakes!
Whether you are a high school student working to get into your dream college or trade school, or a college student working toward your degree, it is important to consider how you will pay for your education. Reduce or eliminate any student debt with scholarships. Unlike student loans, you do not have to pay back scholarships! Do what you need to do to make great things happen. Try creating a fun vision board with a list of your top three goals. Be sure to make it a visual masterpiece by adding motivational quotes and fun images that will inspire you as well! Place this where you will see it daily.

Tips from Real Scholarship Winners

There are a ton of scholarships opportunities for all types of students. $1,000 National Scholarship Month Sweepstakes winner shares: "Keep searching for scholarships and keep applying. There is something out there for everyone." Create a daily reminder to apply for scholarships. $1,000 Scholarship Goal Crusher Sweepstakes winner shares: " I have a daily goal to either identify a scholarship I want to apply for or to make progress on one (for example, writing 150 more words on an essay). I also had a daily reminder on my phone to help out. " If you don't try to apply for scholarships, you won't win any. $1,000 Own Your Scholarship Journey Sweepstakes winner shares: "Apply, apply, apply! A scholarship you don't apply for is like throwing away money. Spending just a little bit of time on a scholarship [application] will save you hours of working for that money in the future." Stay consistent when applying for scholarships. Our first $1,000 Scholarship Success Sweepstakes winner, Therese Loise Dy said, "When I saw [Fastweb] had their own [scholarship] that let you apply with one entry a day, I knew that this was something I wanted to keep consistent with!" Students should consider applying for one to two scholarships per week. This doesn’t mean you must write a scholarship essay each week. Keep it simple by applying for Featured Scholarships. Most of these scholarships take two minutes or less to apply for! Each scholarship application you submit gets you closer to scholarship success, and every scholarship you earn adds up! Your future self will be so happy that you put in the extra effort to apply for scholarships. Create your free Fastweb profile, apply for Fastweb’s $1,000 Scholarship Success Sweepstakes, and a few other scholarships from these lists below: Scholarships You Can Apply for Today Scholarships for High School Juniors Scholarships for High School Seniors Scholarships for College Students Scholarships for Graduate Students Fastweb’s Scholarship Directory