Career Planning

How to Answer the Most Common Job Interview Questions

Be prepared for the most common job interview questions with the right answers.

Kathryn Knight Randolph

November 22, 2022

How to Answer the Most Common Job Interview Questions
Don't sweat your next job interview - get all the answers to the toughest questions right here!
A job interview is undoubtedly the most nerve-wracking component of the job hiring process, but it doesn’t have to be! When you are prepared with common job interview questions and answers, you can approach the interview with confidence and poise. Learn how to answer these job interview questions like a pro and take on your next job interview without any hesitation.

Interview Question 1: Will you tell me a little about yourself?

While this is probably the most commonly asked interview question, so many people either fail to prepare for it or have no idea how to approach it. What most people end up doing is giving a summary of their resume and/or personal history, which is exactly what you should NOT do.
Interview Answer: Instead, this is your opportunity to give a pitch demonstrating exactly why you’re right for the job. Before the interview, think of about two or three examples of your accomplishments and/or experiences which you would like your interviewer to know about. Then, wrap up the answer by discussing how your prior work experience has prepared you to take on the specific role for which you are interviewing.

Interview Question 2: How did you hear about this position?

This seems like a pretty straightforward question, right? Wrong. You may have heard about the job through an online job board or a friend, but this answer needs to showcase more than just where or how you heard about the job.
Interview Answer: Depending on the way you heard about the position, it’s important to utilize your connection and interest in the company. You want to show that you specifically wanted a position at that company. Utilize connections. If you heard through a friend that worked at that company, feel free to use their name.
Do your due diligence and learn about the company before the interview so that you can reference the company specifically and indicate that you were searching for positions that included [reference whatever caught your eye about the posting].

Interview Question 3: Why should I hire you?

This is an intimidating question to be asked. However, it’s a great question because it puts you in the perfect position to define your skill set. Interview Answer: The perfect answer to this question will convey several items. The first is that you possess the skill set to do the work, preferably with examples to back it up. The second is that you can, and will, deliver results (again, with examples from previous experience to back up this claim). The third is that you know you will fit in with the company’s culture and team. Ensure you reference what the company culture is to show you have awareness. For help on this, check out their mission, values and social media presence. Finally, show that you feel you’d make the best fit out of all the candidates. Demonstrate that you’re not only qualified but that you are passionate about working for the company and its mission.

Interview Question 4: Why do you want this position?

If you only want the job because you need a job, the interviewer will see right through that. Companies feel the right candidate for the job will demonstrate enthusiasm and dedication for the position, so the best answers will express both of those qualities. Interview Answer: Start by talking about why the position is a great fit for you. For example, “I love working with animals and I know working at an animal rescue organization would be a great fit for me because I get satisfaction from helping animals. Working with them on a daily basis and making a difference is a cause I’m passionate about.” Then, discuss why you feel the company is a great fit for you. Why do you love the company and its culture? You could say: “I’m passionate about helping animals and their well-being. I admire what your organization does and would love to be a part of a team that does such wonderful work to make a difference in the lives of so many animals.”

Interview Question 5: Can you tell me about your experience at your last job?

Translation: How does your previous job experience relate to the job I’m looking to fill? In answering this question, you want to show the interviewer that you’ll be able to achieve success based on your past work experience. Interview Answer: When answering, focus on the tasks required for your last job that are applicable to the position you’re interviewing for now. Share how your skills apply to both positions (past and present) and how you’ll be able to hit the ground running if given the position you’re interviewing for.

Interview Question 6: How would your boss and coworkers describe you?

The point of this question is to determine how well you work with coworkers in a team environment. This is yet another opportunity to discuss strengths you haven’t mentioned yet – your people skills! Interview Answer: Talk about traits that involve working with others, pitching in to help with projects, your strong work ethic and anything else you think your coworkers or boss might mention. Make sure, however, that these aren’t traits you’ve already stated. You don’t want to keep repeating yourself over and over again!

Interview Question 7: What’s your biggest professional accomplishment to date?

Remember the skills required section in the job posting? That’s what you should be recalling when this question is asked. The goal in this question is to show that you not only have those skills but have already accomplished some of them. Interview Answer: When answering, think of concrete examples of accomplishments. Numbers and data are your friends here. For example, “My biggest professional accomplishments to date have been the new and innovative methods I came up with that resulted in traffic boosts to our company site. As our company’s social media coordinator, I utilized fresh posts, user engagement and content, which increased our site’s page views by 40% year over year in 2020.”

Interview Question 8: In your opinion, what are your greatest strengths, professionally speaking?

Most people often feel uncomfortable in answering this question. However, the job interview is all about YOU. Speak up and with confidence on your positive traits. Interview Answer: Be accurate and focus on sharing your true strengths, not what you think the interviewer wants to hear. Try as best you can to choose relevant strengths that are applicable to the position you’re interviewing for. Also, be as specific and professional as possible. Instead of saying you’re a “people person,” try saying you have experience in “team relationship building.”

Interview Question 9: In your opinion, what are your greatest weaknesses, professionally speaking?

This is likely one of the most dreaded questions out there. The point of this question – other than to weed out any candidates lacking a major skill – is to see if you are both honest and self-aware. Many people answer this question by answering with a positive spin such as, “I work too hard.” Most interviewers will see through this immediately. Interview Answer: It’s best to be honest and straightforward by choosing something that you may struggle with but are working to improve. For example, “I’ve never been especially strong at building webpages, but I signed up to take a night course at a community college this summer to help improve my skills.” Also, naming a skill that may not be integral to the role you’re applying for will most likely not impact your chances of getting the job.

Interview Question 10: How do you handle pressure or stressful situations at work?

Undoubtedly, regardless of where you end up working, there will be times where stress or pressure is unavoidable. This question aims to determine how you will handle those times. Interview Answer: Your answer should demonstrate that you can – and will – be able to meet any given stressful situation by tackling it head-on with positivity and productivity. It’s also smart to discuss what you do for stress-reduction. You could say: “If I’m feeling overwhelmed, I create a to-do list, and it helps me feel like I have things under control.” Alternatively, “When I’m stressed, I stop, count to ten, and take deep breaths. It’s simple, but it always calms me down.” Follow up by sharing an example of a work situation where you found yourself stressed and utilized one of your example techniques, handled it successfully and came out on top.

Interview Question 11: What are your salary requirements?

This is a question in which you should never enter blindly. Do pre-interview research on sites like Glassdoor and Payscale to find out what others in similar positions are being paid. Once you do this, you will have a salary range in your back pocket so you’re prepared to name a salary that’s acceptable for the position coupled with your skills, experience, and education. Interview Answer: Based on your research and the salary range you’ve researched, it’s recommended that you name the high end of the salary range you came up with. However, make sure the interviewer knows you are flexible with your number. This communicates that you feel your skills are valuable but you absolutely want the position and are open to negotiations.

Interview Question 12: What other companies are you interviewing with?

They are a variety of reasons companies ask this question. Some want to sniff out the competition. Others are looking to find out if you are serious about working in their particular industry. Interview Answer: They best way to approach this question is to give a simple answer, without many specifics. For example, “I’m exploring a number of similar options within the communications industry.”

Interview Question 13: Why are you leaving your current job?

Hiring managers are naturally going to be curious about why you’re leaving a current role. While there are many good reasons to leave a job, some should be stated in an interview and most should not. Interview Answer: You should never say that you’re leaving because your current position is a bad opportunity. Rather, say that the position you’re interviewing for is just too tempting to refuse. Don’t focus on how you dislike your current job or your current boss. Instead, simply focus on the positive attributes you like about the position you’re seeking. There are times where you will need to be honest about something negative, like if your department was eliminated from your company. Be candid and then refocus on the positive attributes of the new company.

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