
How to Help Your Student Minimize Exam Stress

Encourage and support your child through exam stress by helping them build healthy habits.

Kathryn Knight Randolph

March 22, 2022

How to Help Your Student Minimize Exam Stress
Encourage them to build healthy habits.
It can be hard to watch your child deal with the stresses and anxieties of life, and in no way is that more apparent than in test-taking, whether in high school or college. Exams are tough on students – many of whom don’t take care of their bodies with late (or all-night) night cram sessions, unhealthy eating habits, over-doses of caffeine. You may begin to wonder: What’s my role here? As a parent, where should I step in? While you can’t take the exams for them, you can help ease their exam anxieties in other ways. The following suggestions detail ways that parents can help minimize exam stress for students of all ages:

Help Avoid Procrastination

Touch base with your student regarding his or her assignments and exams, asking whether or not he or she feels prepared and has studied. You certainly do not need to become a micro-manager but you can encourage preparedness and readiness as much as possible. If you’re bringing it up, he or she will become more aware of the timeline and get down to brass tacks.

Encourage Your Child to Build Healthy Habits

Try to encourage your child to lead a healthy lifestyle – and to create good study habits. If they’re not at home, you could send a care package to help motivate your student in making healthier decisions.
Better habits will lead to your student feeling better and staying focused, which could in turn lead to better grades. Think about the following lifestyle aspects and help your student find healthier alternatives, whether via discussion or by sending a care package to show your support: Food: Find a healthy snack you think your student may enjoy while studying. Send snacks that last and travel well in totes and backpacks, like trail mix, nuts, whole wheat pretzels, and sunflower seeds. Sleep: Talk to your student about how important it is to get the right amount of sleep. Consider sending a sound machine, or send an iTunes or Google gift card and direct them to the Calm App in the App Store.
Relaxation: Inquire whether your student is taking any time off from studying to relax and have fun. It’s not healthy to study all day, every day because they are likely to get burnt out eventually. If you’re concerned that no time is being set aside to relax, suggest he or she do so with a few of these options: 1. If you’re close enough to visit your student or live with your student, surprise them with an afternoon at the movies or somewhere else they enjoy. Note: make sure you let them know you’ll be taking them a couple days in advance so they don’t freak out the day of the trip. Also, make sure it’s on a weekend, so they won’t be missing class and ensure that it’s not the day before a big exam or project. The goal is to treat them to something small and simple that they enjoy. 2. If you’re not close by, contact your student’s closest friend and offer to pay for the two of them to go to the movies or somewhere else they’d enjoy for the afternoon. Again, it does not need to be somewhere expensive or elaborate, just a change of pace. Another fun idea may be to check sites/apps, like Groupon, for activities within your student’s local area that you think they may enjoy and email your student the voucher. Just make she they have enough time to redeem it! Music: Encourage your student to develop musical tastes that enhance their study skills – at least while they’re studying. You can get creative and make a playlist for free and share it with them via music apps, like Spotify or send them an iTunes gift card, specifying the album you’d like them to download. Exercise: Encourage your student to develop regular exercise habits. In addition to being healthy in general, it will help to get out any built up stress and anxieties he or she may be harboring. There are plenty of free websites dedicated to fitness and exercise as well. Why not send an email or e-card letting your student know you’re thinking of them, you know they’re stressed and you have a solution, along with a link? Many campuses also have state-of-the-art workout facilities and free classes. Your child can workout and meet new people on campus this way.

Offer Support – Before and After the Exam

Remind your student of your love and support – no matter the outcome of their exams. Let them know that you’re aware of their hard work and efforts and that you’re extremely proud of them regardless of the grade they receive on their exams. Take time to remind them that their entire future does not depend on one particular exam and you know that they worked to achieve the best possible grade. It won’t be the end of the world if their score isn’t what they hoped for. Your support will likely go further than you think to ease their stress, as a lot of students put a lot of pressure on themselves to please their parents, whether the parents know it or not. Help to alleviate this burden they may put on themselves with encouragement and support.

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