
Top Scholarships for High School Seniors: Class of 2023

It’s time to get serious about applying for scholarships. Get details and tips about applying for scholarships as a senior in high school. This list of scholarships totals more than $109,000!

Shawna Newman

March 02, 2023

Seniors should set weekly scholarship application goals.
It's time to break out that picture of you as a kindergarten graduate. Place it on the mantel as your reminder; you'll soon be attending your dream college or university. You wrapped up your junior year, and the school year you've been waiting on has FINALLY arrived. You’re now leaders of your high school—high school seniors class of 2023! JUMP TO SCHOLARSHIPS FOR SENIORS IN HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2023 Now, before you get too excited, you have a lot of work to do to ensure you attend college. Such as: • Working on college applications and the college admission processWriting college admission essays • Getting your recommendation letters ready • Submitting your FAFSA in October • Visiting your top-choice colleges • Applying for college scholarships

I'm a high school senior. Is it too late to apply for scholarships?

It's not too late to begin applying for scholarships in your senior year of high school. If you haven’t started applying for scholarships regularly, you’ll need to jump right in and begin ASAP. Many 12th grade students can begin to feel overwhelmed, so keep your mental health top of mind. Start with small scholarship application goals you can achieve. As you progress and feel like you’ve established a solid scholarship application habit, challenge yourself by increasing your weekly or monthly application goal. Many successful scholarship applicants use this technique to ensure they get in as many applications as possible. The more you apply for your senior year of high school, the better your chances of winning.

What's the easiest scholarship to get?

Should you have an extremely busy week ahead, work to submit easy-apply scholarships. Fastweb’s Featured Scholarships are quick to apply for. Most of them you can apply for in less than five minutes, and many people consider them the easiest scholarships to get.

What is a scholarship? What are the four types of scholarships?

Scholarships are a type of financial aid that is awarded to help students pay for college. They can be merit-based, essay-based, academic achievement-driven, or athletic. One of the most helpful aspects of scholarships is that winners do not have to pay them back like financial aid such as student loans do.

College Scholarships for Class of 2023 High School Seniors

The scholarships listed below are the top 20+ college scholarships for high school seniors. Start applying for these today—conquer those scholarship application goals:

Create-a-Greeting Card Scholarship Contest

Deadline: 3/2/23
Award Amount: $10,000 The Create-A-Greeting Card Scholarship Contest is open to students who are at least 14 years of age. To enter, you must submit an original design for a Christmas card, holiday card, birthday card, or all - occasion greeting card. All designs or photographs must be the original work of the applicant.

DCU Memorial Scholarship

Deadline: 3/3/23
Award Amount: $2,500 The DCU Memorial Scholarship is available to graduating high school seniors. You must demonstrate academic merit and involvement in extracurricular and community activities to be considered for this award.

President Gerald R. Ford Student Writing Challenge

Deadline: 3/3/23
Award Amount: $500 - $2,500 The President Gerald R. Ford Student Writing Challenge is open to high school students. To be considered, you must submit a 500 - to 750 - word essay sharing what the theme of unity in diversity means to you.

Doodle for Google Contest

Deadline: 3/14/23 Award Amount: $30,000 The Doodle for Google Contest is open to students in grades K through 12. To be considered, you must use your imagination to create a Google Doodle based on the theme "I am grateful for..."

Hatfield Foundation Scholarship

Deadline: 3/15/23
Award Amount: $5,000 The Hatfield Foundation Scholarship is available to high school seniors who will be first - generation college students. You must have participated in a college readiness program, have a minimum 2.5 GPA, and demonstrate financial need to be eligible for this award.

Civics Education Essay Contest

Deadline: 3/22/23
Award Amount: $1,000 The Civics Education Essay Contest is open to high school students. To be considered, you must submit a maximum 250 - word essay on the following topic: "Do you think students should be held to the same standard when exercising their First Amendment right to freedom of speech whether they're on or off school property?"

Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest

Deadline: 3/31/23
Award Amount: $1,750 - $2,500
The Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest is open to high school seniors and college undergraduate students who reside or attend school in states with Regions Bank full service branches. To be considered, submit a 500 - word essay on a Black American individual who has inspired change in your life. That person could be a historical figure, someone famous, a role model, or someone you know.

Walgreens Expressions Challenge

Deadline: 3/31/23
Award Amount: $2,000 The Walgreens Expressions Challenge is available to high school students between the ages of 13 and 18. To be considered, you must use your creativity to share how you feel about what is happening in your world through spoken word, visual arts, media arts or creative writing.

Tzu Chi USA Scholars Program

Deadline: 3/31/23
Award Amount: $1,500 The Tzu Chi USA Scholars Program is available to graduating high school seniors. You must have a minimum 3.0 GPA to be eligible for this award. To be considered, you must submit a two - page essay about Tzu Chi, based on information you've gathered from websites, publications, news articles, etc. Please explain what you've learned about Tzu Chi that inspires you and why.

Project Yellow Light Video Contest Scholarship

Deadline: 4/1/23
Award Amount: $8,000 The Project Yellow Light Video Contest Scholarship is available to high school juniors and seniors and full - time undergraduate students. To be considered, you must create a 10 or 25 second video that discourages distracted driving, specifically texting while driving.

AFA Teens for Alzheimer's Awareness College Scholarship

Deadline: 4/1/23
Award Amount: $5,000 The AFA Teens for Alzheimer's Awareness College Scholarship is available to college - bound high school seniors who have been impacted by Alzheimer's disease. To be considered, you must submit a 120 - to 1,500 - word essay describing the impact of Alzheimer’s disease on yourself, your family, or your community, and what you have learned in light of coping with the brain disorder.

AFSA National High School Essay Contest

Deadline: 4/3/23
Award Amount: $2,500
The AFSA National High School Essay Contest is open to high school students. To be considered, you must describe, in no more than 1,250 words, a current situation where American diplomats and peacebuilders are working with other world powers, as well as local and / or regional actors, in a conflict - affected country to champion democracy, promote human rights, and / or resolve violent conflict.

Carl N. and Margaret Karcher Founders Scholarship

Deadline: 4/5/23
Award Amount: $10,000 The Carl N. and Margaret Karcher Founders Scholarship is available to entering college freshmen. You must be 26 years of age or younger and reside in one of the 14 states where Carl's Jr. operates to be eligible for this award.

Courageous Persuaders Video Contest

Deadline: 4/10/23
Award Amount: Varies The Courageous Persuaders Video Contest is open to high school students. To be considered, you must create a 30 - second television commercial targeted to middle school students to warn them about the dangers of drinking and driving or distracted driving.

IEI Annual Scholarship Essay Contest

Deadline: 5/1/23
Award Amount: $500 The IEI Annual Scholarship Essay Contest is open to high school seniors and college undergraduate students. To be considered, you must submit an 800 - to 1,000 - word essay on one of the following topics: "7 Most Proven Ways to Increase the Value of your Home" or "Pros and Cons of Replacing a Roof Yourself."

Steps for Change Scholarship

Deadline: 5/1/23
Award Amount: $2,000
The Steps for Change Scholarship is available to high school seniors. You must have a minimum 3.5 GPA and demonstrate financial need to be eligible for this award.

Kailee Mills Foundation Scholarship Program

Deadline: 5/1/23
Award Amount: $2,500
The Kailee Mills Foundation Scholarship Program is open to high school juniors and seniors and current undergraduate students. To be considered, you must complete a seat belt awareness campaign in your school and / or community. You must also locate, meet, and interview a family who has lost someone due to non - seat belt use, and submit a report sharing what you learned and how it impacted you.

Rover College Scholarship

Deadline: 5/1/23
Award Amount: $2,500
The Rover College Scholarship is available to graduating high school seniors and current college freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. To be considered, you must submit a 400 - to 500 - word essay on the following topic: "How did growing up with a pet in your life (could be a friend's or family member's) impact the person you are today?"

Milton Fisher Scholarship for Innovation and Creativity

Deadline: 5/5/23
Award Amount: $20,000 The Milton Fisher Scholarship for Innovation and Creativity is available to high school juniors and seniors, and first - time college freshmen who demonstrate exceptional innovation and creativity. You must reside or plan to attend school in Connecticut or the New York City metropolitan area to be eligible for this award.

#ScienceSaves High School Video Scholarship

Deadline: 5/8/23
Award Amount: $10,000 The #ScienceSaves High School Video Scholarship is available to high school seniors. To be considered, you must create a 20 - to 30 - second video answering one of the following questions: "What has science done for me?" or "What has science done for somebody I know?" You must add #sciencesaves to your video to be eligible for this award.

Andrea R. Lacy "Grit Award" Scholarship

Deadline: 5/27/23
Award Amount: $500 The Andrea R. Lacy "Grit Award" Scholarship is available to graduating high school seniors. You must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate academic promise and continuous GPA improvement during high school to be eligible for this award.

OMEGA Scholarship

Deadline: 5/31/23
Award Amount: $5,000
The OMEGA Scholarship is available to high school juniors and seniors. To be eligible, you must be involved in a program or club within a school, nonprofit, senior center, or senior living community that connects teens with older adults.

Eon Essay Contest

Deadline: 6/15/23
Award Amount: $2,000 - $15,000
The Eon Essay Contest is open to students ages 13 and older. To be considered, you must read the book The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity by Toby Ord, and submit a 1,200 word - essay on the prompt that coordinates with your age bracket. A free copy of the book will be provided upon request.

Posse STEM Program

Deadline: Varies
Award Amount: Full-Tuition The Posse STEM Program is open to high school seniors who are leaders in their schools and communities. You must be a resident of Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, or New York to be eligible to participate. Posse Scholars will receive leadership scholarships to attend Brandeis University, Bryn Mawr College, Middlebury College, University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin - Madison, or Texas A&M University. Nomination by a high school or community-based organization is required.